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Intense, real-world, memorable - gamified simulation training


Let's create something great together

Become a Partner and use our simulations to open up new business opportunities

Training Partnership

Expand your training portfolio with an extensive range of gamified simulations. You can significantly transform your competitive standing in the market with our modern training solutions. Partnering with us allows you to diversify your training services, enhancing your value proposition.

As a training partner, you can market, sell, and deliver training using our innovative simulations for universities and corporate training. To become a training partner, you should have expertise in finance-related fields or specialized experience in finance within academia or the financial services industry.

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Earn Commission via Introductions

Generate a side revenue stream by introducing us to banks, corporates, and Business Schools. Open up a brand new line of revenue by introducing our simulations.

We have a reward structure for introductions. As a Sales Partner, you can also market and sell our simulations to universities and corporations. Contact us to learn more about becoming a partner and the possibilities for collaboration.

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Book a 15min conversation to learn how to become a partner