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Intense, real-world, memorable - gamified simulation training


Top Analysts are priceless. We make attracting them affordable.

Leverage our student network by hosting campus events with our simulator and witness a surge in applications from top-tier candidates.

Impress potential Interns & Analysts and establish your bank as an employer of choice with highly engaging simulations that showcase the real-world challenges and the skills necessary for success in the finance industry.

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Partner with us to run different university events and career fairs, and increase your banks attractiveness to top students. With our industry-originated simulations, you can give candidates a taste of what it's like to work in your firm, and stand out from the crowd as a company that invests in its employees.

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With our help, you can experience a significant increase in applications from top-tier candidates who are eager to work for your bank. Let's team up and make your financial service firm the go-to employer in the industry!

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Differentiate your bank from the competition by offering industry-specific simulations that showcase the challenging and rewarding aspects of finance roles.


Attract high-quality candidates by providing them with a glimpse of what it's really like to work in the finance industry through gamified simulation experiences.

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Create a buzz at your next talent attraction event and differentiate your company by offering an interactive and memorable experience.


Ideal simulations for campus events and banking career fairs

Want to personalise your talent attraction with a powerful tool?

Learn how simulations improve the diversity and quality of the prospective students and candidates you can attract by scheduling a 30-minute demonstration with one of our advisors.

Learn more 
Discover how you can attract a diverse student pool

Learn how the use of simulations can improve your talent attraction by scheduling a 30-minute demonstration with one of our advisor