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Intense, real-world, memorable - gamified simulation training

Business Case: IPO


I am writing to seek funding approval to integrate an IPO simulation into our analyst training program.

This initiative aligns with our commitment to enhancing the skills and capabilities of our analysts, ensuring they are well-equipped to excel in their careers.

As the financial landscape continually evolves, it is imperative that we provide our analysts with a comprehensive and practical learning experience. The simulation offers a unique opportunity for our analysts to gain hands-on experience in complex financial scenarios, enhancing their problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities.


Finsimco is a software provider specializing in gamified training simulations for investment banks. The company was founded by former investment bankers with origins at Morgan Stanley. For more information, visit


  1. Engaging Learning Experience: The simulation offers an interactive and immersive learning experience that goes beyond our current training program. Our analysts will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a realistic, hands-on environment. This engagement is proven to increase knowledge retention and foster a deeper understanding of complex financial concepts.
  2. Real-World Relevance: The financial industry is dynamic and ever-evolving. By exposing our analysts to real-life financial scenarios, the simulation equips them with the practical skills and problem-solving abilities necessary to thrive in their roles. This relevance is key to their success and job satisfaction.
  3. Positive Feedback and Networking: Analysts who participate in engaging learning experiences tend to form stronger bonds with their peers and instructors. This sense of community can lead to a more positive learning environment and foster a supportive network, which is crucial for their overall experience.
  4. Professional Development: Integrating the simulation into our program not only enhances our analysts' technical competencies but also contributes to their professional development. This added value can lead to higher job satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment, reducing attrition rates.
  5. Assessment: The simulation supports effective assessment of analysts’ knowledge and skills. The performance data allows us to optimize staffing decisions.

Key statistics

  • 80% of staffers agree that Analysts are better prepared for the desk after the simulation.
  • Excellent ratings: 93% of participants rate the simulator experience as "excellent."
  • 85% of staffers find that the simulation results align with employee performance.

IPO simulation


Duration: 3 to 4 hours.


  • Analysts are organized into teams, each consisting of 3 to 5 members.
  • Teams manage an IPO by assuming the roles of underwriters and investors.
  • The difficulty level of the simulation adjusts based on performance.

Grading: Assessment is based on the teams' performance and the submitted input variables.


  • IPO Process and Timeline
  • Pre-IPO Preparation
  • Prospectus and Offering Price
  • Roadshow
  • Bookbuilding
  • Allocation

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the perspectives and incentives of corporate managers, underwriters, and investors
  • Understand the role of roadshows and how to effectively market an IPO
  • Understand the key parts of an IPO process
  • Identify the key risks and challenges associated with an IPO
  • Analyze relative valuation techniques among comparable companies
  • Understand the role of financial statements and ratios in IPO analysis
  • Compare financial statements of different companies
  • Learn key financial modeling techniques used in the IPO process
  • Understand the ways in which companies can manipulate their P&L items to boost earnings
  • Recognize why management and advisors may have overly optimistic outlooks